We are “In Network” with most insurance plans, so be sure to bring your insurance card with you to your first visit. You are also welcome to forward it to us ahead of time. Insurance is getting more and more complicated every day and we often find that patients have trouble navigating the insurance waters to find out exactly what benefits they have.
Insurance Providers that we are “In-Network” with:
- HealthComp Administrators
- Medicaid
- Noridian Medicare
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Select Health
- Regence
- Blue Cross of ID
- First Choice Health
- Mountain Health CoOp
- Pacific Source
We have trained insurance specialists that communicate directly with your insurance provider asking specific questions to get all the pertinent answers. Let us do the hard work for you.
Your specific insurance plan will be thoroughly checked so you will know everything necessary concerning any out-of-pocket costs BEFORE you incur them. You see, our office has a NO WORRY financial policy which promises that we will tell you about any out-of-pocket charges ahead of time. That means you can rest assured you are not running up a bill without knowing it. Depending on your policy, you may not have to pay out of pocket, or you may only have a copay. We will always tell you ahead of time.
Special Note:
Insurance coverage (good, bad, or non-existent) is by no means a prerequisite for care in our clinic. Many of our patients are either uninsured or underinsured but are still getting great care. Our commitment is to make every effort to get everyone who needs care the care they need.
Important Answers About Your Insurance
3 Components of Your Health Insurance
This is the amount your insurance company expects you to pay out of pocket BEFORE they start paying according to your policy. It applies to all providers for the calendar year, so if you pay it to one doctor or facility, you do not have to pay it to anyone else for that year.
When there are services applied to the deductible, this means the clinic DID NOT get paid for those services. That is why the clinic collects those amounts directly from the patient. You never owe your insurance company the deductible. The only thing you ever owe them is your monthly premium. If for some reason you pay the clinic for deductible payments that were applied by another clinic, then that money is refunded to you.
Since we are IN NETWORK with most insurance companies, it is often the case, depending on your plan, that many services in our office are covered and will be reimbursed without respect to whether your deductible is met or not.
Your insurance typically pays for only a certain percentage of any service or procedure, the rest is your responsibility- this is called Co-Insurance. Or your insurance can specify a set amount you have to pay each time – this is called a Co-Pay. Either way, our clinic will always let you know what this amount is ahead of time.
Covered Services
One of the reasons we check your insurance benefits is to let you know which services are and are not covered by your insurance plan. The benefits of your particular plan are determined by the plan’s terms and conditions, which can be different even if the plan is through the same insurer – this is why you often see different levels of available plans to choose from. Just because a service is not covered, it does not mean that there is not a benefit to the service. If the doctor recommends a service, you will always be told why it is being recommended and whether it is covered by your plan. That way you can always make the best, most informed decision regarding your health.